The polls will be open from noon to 8PM on July 9 in the Community Room at Town Hall to vote on the following questions:
- Shall the Town of Hampton appropriate $1,675,184 for the General Government for the 2019-2020 fiscal year?
- Shall the Town of Hampton appropriate $2,104,318 for the Hampton Elementary School for the 2019-2020 fiscal year
- Shall the Town of Hampton transfer $250,000 from the General Fund to a municipal reserve?
- Shall the Town of Hampton purchase 51 acres of land along the Little River funded by Open Space and Land Acquisition Capital and Non-Recurring accounts for $171,500?
- Shall the Town of Hampton approve the Ordinance to establish a bidding requirement and procedure for purchases and services?
- Shall the Town of Hampton approve the Ordinance to make the position of Tax Collector one of appointment?
Registered voters and taxpayers listed on the October, 2018 Grand List as owning property assessed for at least $1000 are eligible to vote in the referendum. Absentee ballots are available during regular Town Hall hours from the Town Clerk up until the opening of the polls.