The Board of Selectmen thanks the citizens of Hampton for passing the General and Hampton Elementary School budgets at the July 9th referendum, and for supporting the Little River Open Space acquisition. The new ordinances approved by voters that established procedures for bidding contracts and increased options in the method of collecting taxes should perpetuate more efficient governance.
The Board of Finance set a 25.82 mill rate that will fully fund the Budgets. The Grand List of property grew by 5.5%, or more than 7 million dollars, in the corporation of Hampton. This increased value along with fewer students assessed from Regional District #11 allows for a reduction in your taxes from a mill rate of 28.50. Even after draws from the Unassigned Fund Balance to pave Kenyon Road and to address Capital Projects at the elementary school and at the Town Hall through the new “Municipal Reserve Fund” (also approved at the referendum), our General Fund remains healthy at 12%. All this after the 500K funding of the Hampton Volunteer Fire Department’s building addition.
As First Selectman and Chairman of NECCOG, I have visited Hartford several times this month to advocate for Hampton and Northeast Connecticut.
Enjoy our Summer.
Allan Cahill