Trail Wood Inspired Haikus

Friends of Trail Wood recently gathered there to pen haikus that captured a moment in time, at the sanctuary and beyond.

 Time twists vines and veins

Searching, seeking, supporting

Bittersweet aging.

                Philippa Paquette


Planks cross Seven Springs

Where tall ferns crowd dark muck and

Flyers buzz with glee

                         Anne Christie


The perfect cloud forms.

It delivers life or death.

Farmers make the call

                          Sherri Vogt


Here and Now, Near and

Far reconcile marble halls

Country breeze, peaceful place.

                         Anne Gruenberg


Fluttering butterfly

Breeze waves grass and shimmers lake

Quiet movement soothes.

                  Susan Zimmerman


Sun scorched, sharp, prickly.

Dusk’s cool blades, cushions of moss

soothe such weary soles.

                     Dayna McDermott


Tormentors circle

Sounding out an evil threat.

Be still. They are gone.

                Laura Tedeschi


Cat bird, tweet, tweet, tweet

One, two, three – all calling now

Why, why, why so much?

                      Marcia Kilpatrick


First sip of Guinness

Folks say “an acquired taste”

Kind of like wet mud.

                    India Arriola