I Remember –
My first day at Bell School,
Back when we picnicked at the cemetery on Memorial Day,
Milking cows,
The Little River Grange.
Living in Hampton village and the fun I had,
Bike riding with best friends,
Feeding cows at the pole barn.
The scent of acorns at Goodwin Forest,
The smell of fresh cut lumber at my father’s saw mill,
Of freshly mown hay fields.
My art teacher Mrs. Kramer,
My music teacher Mrs. Wade,
Watching the hippies drive by our house to go to the beach,
Being discriminated against,
JFK’s assassination,
Man walking on the moon.
The General Store in the 70’s,
Having coffee at the store, sitting on its porch and talking with locals.
Giving birth,
Building our house,
My parents.
A lot of stuff.
Written by Community Members at the Fall Festival