Couch Stories: Rx for the Soul

None of us is too old to have forgotten the magic of a good story, those tales of our childhood that calmed our fears, taught us lessons, allowed us to envision faraway places, to laugh, to dream, to understand others, and ourselves. An ancient art, story-telling transcends time and cultures. “Folktales” was always one of my favorite literary genres to teach because the unit revealed such universal truths. And as we grow older, we recognize that stories still have the power to calm, instruct, entertain, amuse, and unite us.

It is with these promises, and more, that resident and physician Perry Mandanis has developed “Couch Stories”, a podcast he hosts as “a place for stories that aren’t just good, they’re good for you”. For over 20 years Perry has helped people realize their own resilience in adversity, and their courage and strength in transforming “terrible pain into miraculous gain”. He has recognized along the way that stories, on these journeys, are as effective as instruction, advice and medical information. A good story is never forgotten, Perry reminds us, and will “become one of your best friends for life”, returning whenever you need it.

Now, with the development of this pandemic, Perry is utilizing the podcast to help listeners cope with the related stress and anxiety that is provoked in the face of this growing concern and this continued uncertainty, with advice on protecting and comforting ourselves. The philosophy – “Let’s make taking care of ourselves and keeping calm contagious!” In a world full of “what ifs –” Perry reminds us that worry is “a waste of a good imagination.”

“We cannot escape the news about the spread of COVID-19. It’s upset all of us to some extent or another, and for many, worry has been as difficult to deal with as the physical changes we’ve all had to make as we weather this crisis together,” Perry says. The podcast “reviews not only the World Health Organization’s recommendations for physical health and safety measures, but it also offers tips to help people function better emotionally during these stressful coronavirus times.”

The podcast is free of charge and available on Apple, Spotify, Google Play, Stitcher, and on The OAM Network, or follow this link: to subscribe. All who have listened can attest to its worth during this imposed isolation, which has also provided us with some time to engage in things that we usually have no time for –walks, hot baths, good books, music, stories. They’re such an antidote to the news; listening to stories transports us, reminds us of our childhoods, the olden days, simpler times. So, subscribe to “Couch Stories”, then take a cup of tea, or a glass of wine, relax on a comfortable couch, or chair, close your eyes, and just listen.