Welcome to the Recreation Commission’s public entertainment venue! Since we can’t be together in groups, we have decided to communicate electronically with ideas and opportunities for entertainment, exercise and amusement. And if you have friends and neighbors who you think might like to be part of our conversation, they can email their request and their email to: hamptontownactivities@gmail.com.
For starters, here’s a creative list of activities, in case after a week of shutdown you have run through your own. Thanks to Rec Commissioner Andrea Kaye for her ideas!
~Go for a walk (with or without dog) or take a hike, practicing social distance.
~Shoot some hoops!
~Create a scavenger hunt in your yard or in the woods.
~Go for a bike ride.
~Build a fort in your yard.
~Spring cleaning in the yard is calling! Get your garden prepped!
~Make a time capsule.
~Each week pick a country, research it, Google Earth it and make some recipes from that country.
~Practice some new recipes, bake something.
~Read that book.
~Let the kiddos fill the sink with soapy water and give their toys a bath.
~Workout with DVD’s.
~Take yoga or meditation classes on Zoom.
~and lastly enjoy time with your family!