Thumbs Up to those whose contributions to Memorial Day helped compensate for the loss of Hampton’s usual festivities: the committee who arranged for the commemorative sign, the highway department for lining Main Street with flags, the patriotic music supplied by Jerry Misak, the traditional wreath compliments of Woodward’s Greenhouse, the historical society’s lawn display of flags, the flowers available at the bridge to toss into the Little River, and Neal Moon, who has performed “Taps” for us ever since we were children, playing in the village this year, and “echoing” in the cemetery. It was difficult this year without our glorious parade, our solemn ceremonies, our wonderful barbecue, and our communal celebration, but your efforts were appreciated.
Thumbs Down for the failure of the commemorative sign to recognize veterans of more recent wars. The collective and historic hurt of, especially the Vietnam veterans, evoked the words of Arthur Osborne, keynote speaker in 1995: “What an unbearable situation we placed our boys in — a war they could not win; a culture they could not understand; and then when they did their best, they came home and were treated dishonorably…We must never allow this to happen again…When our country sends our sons and brothers into conflict we must stand behind them. When they return they deserve our love and loyalty. I still remember being part of the war in Europe, the struggles, the mud and cold, the fearfulness, the longing for home; my buddies being brought in wounded and dying…and then the good news…What a welcome we received all over the country…How I wish that our boys coming back from Vietnam could have received a welcome like we had.”