By now, most enrolled members of the Democratic and Republican Parties have received applications for absentee ballots for the August 11 Primary. If you have any questions on these, please call Town Hall (860-455-9132) to speak with the Town Clerk at extension #2 or the Registrars at extension #4. A locked drop-box to deposit applications and ballots is located at the top of the ramp at Town Hall.
There is still time for new and unaffiliated voters to register and enroll in a political party in order to vote in the Primary. Mail-in applications of new voters must be post-marked, received by a voter registration agency or the Department of Motor Vehicles by August 6 in order to be eligible to vote in the Primary; enrollment applications of unaffiliated voters must be received by the Registrars of Voters by August 6 in order to participate in the Primary. However, both new and unaffiliated voters may enroll in person up until noon on August 10, when the Registrars of Voters’ Office will be open from 9AM to noon to accept enrollment applications.
The absentee ballot applications have been sent by the State in order to accommodate voters during the Covid pandemic. However, the polls will be open on August 11 from 6AM to 8PM for those who prefer to vote in person. The State has also taken into consideration safety measures at the polls, which will be cleaned by a licensed company prior to, and after the close, of the polls. Voting booths, the tabulator, and all materials will be disinfected throughout the course of the day. We respectfully request that voters wear masks when they enter the polls to cast a ballot; masks will also be available for voters’ use at the polls. We thank you in advance for helping us protect voters and election officials alike.
Dayna Arriola & Mary Oliver