Do You Love Hampton?

Do you wish you could join a group that thinks about open space, makes lists of important features in town like farms, rivers and stone walls, cares about birds and bunnies, vows to eliminate invasive plants, and maybe hugs a tree or two? Then the CONSERVATION COMMISSION is for YOU!

We’re tasked with keeping an inventory of open space in town, prioritizing important features, reviewing development plans and advising other boards regarding sensitive habitat and other features, and suggesting development set-asides–all for promoting orderly and appropriate growth in town in accordance with Hampton’s Plan of Conservation and Development. But in order to initiate the very cool and fun activities we have planned (fall and spring walks, hiking brochures, Earth Day cleanups, trail mapping at our new Town-owned properties) we need MORE MEMBERS!

Please come to our next meeting on Wednesday, September 16, at 6:30PM at The Town Hall Pavilion and see if you’d like to be part of our hardy little band of nature-lovers. We’ll have some information for you and answer your questions.  No experience? No problem! All it takes is a love of Hampton’s natural resources and a willingness to come to meetings and work on special projects. Need more information? Email Marcia Kilpatrick at, Penny Newbury at, or Everett Hyde at We look forward to meeting you!

Penny Newbury