The Hampton Planning & Zoning Commission is beginning the process of updating its Plan of Conservation & Development (PoCD). This document is a state-mandated Plan that is required to be updated at least once every ten years, and is intended to guide the Town’s decisions on investments, zoning regulations, and policy priorities.
Following the adoption of the current PoCD in 2016, the Town has advanced a number of priorities that were recommended, including expansion of Town open space holdings, improvements to the Air Line Trail, adoption of Accessory Apartment and Multifamily Residential zoning regulations, and the encouragement of home-based businesses. The Commission also considered tools for historic preservation and expanded commercial uses along the Route 6 corridor.
The current PoCD expires in about a year, and the Commission is seeking public input as it begins to develop its priorities for the next decade. Should the Town be more aggressive about encouraging economic development? Should conversion of historic properties be more carefully regulated? Should the Town seek to expand its support of agricultural businesses? There are many issues to be addressed and discussed.
The Commission will be discussing the PoCD update at its regular meetings, on the third Monday of each month at 7PM., and the public is always welcome to participate. In the meantime, we are asking for all residents of Hampton to take the online PoCD survey, which can be accessed via SurveyMonkey, at this address:
For any questions about the PoCD process or the work of the Planning & Zoning Commission, please contact John Guszkowski, Town Planner, at
John Guszkowski