Commission on Human Rights Complaint

A second complaint has been filed with the Commission of Human Rights and Opportunities (CHRO) against the Board of Education in connection with the case involving former custodian, Armin Harris. Lodged by board member Juan Arriola the complaint alleges retaliation due to his advocacy of school employees who filed complaints of discrimination with the CHRO against school officials. Connecticut General Statutes 46a-60(b) (1) and Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibits actions “against any person because such person has opposed any discriminatory employment practice or because such person has filed a complaint or testified or assisted in any proceeding under section 46a-82, 46a-83 or 46a-84.”

Arriola points to instances of retaliation that stem from his support of Yvonne Bowen and Harris, both persons of color and former employees of the school who filed complaints against school officials with the CHRO. Reportedly, Arriola volunteered to provide testimony for Bowen; however the offer proved unnecessary when Bowen’s complaint was successfully settled with her receipt of unemployment compensation and a $20,000 settlement.

As to the case involving Harris, the complaint states that Arriola informed him of school policies when the former custodian reported a racial incident which occurred on school grounds to school officials and to the police. Per policy, Harris filed a discrimination grievance against former Principal Patrice Merendina, and later with the CHRO. At Harris’ request, Arriola attempted to attend a disciplinary meeting on June 21, 2024 with Harris and two administrators, and distributed Harris’ letter of resignation at the July 26 meeting, though the meeting did not, ultimately, take place, and the letter of resignation was confiscated.

Though Arriola states that he “was only ever acting in the board’s interest by assisting employees who were being discriminated against,” these actions, the complaint alleges, lead to retaliation.

The complaint details the board’s September 19, 2024 meeting called to discuss “the performance of a board member”, during which certain school officials “accused me of instilling an environment of fear, slandering the principal to the public by speaking to the media, and handicapping the Board’s ability to hire new staff because of my alleged actions”. According to the complaint, one board member attempted to have Arriola removed from the board and, failing that, censured.

The alleged slander relates to a September 13 article in The Willimantic Chronicle which included a communication from former Superintendent Sarli that summarized the investigation into Harris’ grievance and “substantiated some of (Harris’) allegations, specifically that Ms. Merendina engaged in certain inappropriate conduct towards (Harris) at times”. Arriola has repeatedly denied any communication with the reporter, who he has urged officials to contact for verification. He has also denied having a negative impact on school staff. Though staff present at the meeting were not allowed to speak publicly, after the meeting concluded several privately assured members of Arriola’s family that this was not the case, the complaint states.

At a subsequent meeting on September 25, an executive session was called to discuss a correspondence from Merendina’s attorney concerning Arriola, which was sent to all board members except Arriola who obtained it three days later via a Freedom of Information request. At the board’s October 20 meeting, Arriola attempted to read a statement refuting allegations raised in the correspondence, “namely any inappropriate conduct related to my support of Harris, communication of any type with any media, and evidence to support the positive relationship I share with staff.” Chairman Rose Bisson confiscated the letter, stated she would read it at the next meeting, and later informed Arriola that she lost it. At this meeting, the board voted to seek legal counsel in investigating the complaint lodged against Arriola by the former principal. At a December 18 meeting of the school board, Bisson informed Arriola of his removal from all committees due to his “involvement” in personnel issues, an action, Arriola claims, that is against board policy and state statute.

The board’s attorneys have requested and been granted an extension of time to answer Arriola’s complaint.

Gazette Staff