Hampton Elementary School’s first and second grade students recently studied penguins. Here they share some of what they learned.
Did you know that yellow eyed penguins live in the woods? They live in a warm environment. Black foot penguins live in a hot environment. They sound like a donkey. Some penguins live in Africa. The baby penguins that live in Africa are brown and fluffy. The penguins that live in Africa have black beaks and black eyes and black feet. They take mud baths when they are hot. Mom and dad penguins take turns carrying the chick. Mom and dad take turns going hunting out to the sea. They go hunting for 4 weeks at a time. Did you know that penguins are curious and friendly? There are 18 different kinds of penguins. Penguins eat fish and squid and krill. Penguins live in colonies to stay safe. Penguins cannot fly.
There are 18 kinds of penguins. The mom and dad go out in the sea for 1 month. Penguins lay 1 or 2 eggs. Penguins cannot fly. There is a macaroni penguin.
Penguins go out in the sea for one month. Dad penguins put the baby on the ice. Then the mom scoops the baby up. The first baby to hatch tweets to the next. Penguins keep their eggs safe. Baby penguins are very furry. They get bigger and bigger. Mom penguins go out to get fish for 4 weeks.
Did you know that emperor penguins weigh 38 kilograms? I knew that. Did you know that there are 18 kinds of penguins? The reason they call the macaroni penguin is because its head looks like macaroni. Baby penguins jump from huge cliffs! African penguins take mud baths to keep cool. African penguin feathers are brown. African penguins don’t have yellow heads like emperor penguins.
Penguins go tobogganing. If a baby stays on the ice too long it will die. Penguins dive for a month. The parent penguins take care of the little one.
Did you know that penguins eat fish krill and squid? Some penguins live where its warm and some live where its cold. Mom and dad take turns carrying the chick. Dad hides the baby penguin under his pouch. African penguin babies like to swim in the mud to cool off. Yellow eyed penguins live in the woods. There are 18 different kinds of penguins. Penguins are very cool divers. They can swim. Emperor penguins weigh 38 kilograms. The dads line up for the moms. If the baby stays on the ice too long it dies. Penguins are very smart
Penguins swim in deep water. Their feathers hold air or oxygen when there are snow storms. Penguins live in cold homes and they eat fish. They live in the arctic. The biggest penguin is the emperor. They jump off foot high cliffs. There are 18 types of penguins.
Emperor penguins weigh up to 38 kilograms. All baby penguins will die if they are on the snowy ground for too long. Did you know that there is a king penguin called the emperor penguin? They have yellow bellies. Blue penguins are so cute. Macaroni penguins have giant yellow eyebrows. Emperors are the biggest penguins and blue penguins are the smallest penguins.
Emperor penguin babies sometimes jump off 40 or 50 foot cliffs. Penguins slide on their bellies which is called tobogganing. African penguins live in warm environments. Penguins dive into the water. Emperor penguins are the largest. They weigh 38 kilograms. Penguins can jump. Penguins lay one or two eggs. When the mommy penguins come back the daddy penguins line up so the mommy penguins can find their dad penguins. Penguins cannot breathe under water. Fairy penguins are the smallest penguins. Penguins eat fish, squid and krill. Penguins are curious. Most penguins live in warm places. Sometimes penguins jump 8 feet onto the water or slide onto the ice.
Penguins have sharp things on top of their mouths. When baby penguins first do their swimming they jump off a cliff. Emperor penguins are the largest, they can weigh up to 38 kilograms. When penguins preen they collect air in their feathers. When they dive deep the air releases and they launch out of the water
Facts about penguins. Baby penguins are so so cute. Baby penguins take baths in mud to cool off. Baby penguins take swim lessons with friends. Baby penguins can jump onto the water when they slide on their bellies. That’s called tobogganing. Did you know that penguins can jump? They cannot fly. They eat fish, squid and krill. They lay eggs, 1 or 2 eggs. Baby penguins are gray and fluffy. They cannot breathe under water. One fact about penguins is sometimes they die on the ice. When its moms turn to take care of the baby mom penguins go out on the ice to hunt for food. When they come back it’s the dads turn to take care of the baby.
Penguins dive for their food. The mom goes out to sea till when the dad goes. Dad penguins hide the eggs under their pouch on top of their feet.
Penguins can jump. They take turns feeding the babies. Baby penguins take their first steps on the ice. It’s cool to see the penguins jump off the ice. Emperor penguins are cool to see when they dive in the water. Little blue penguins or fairy penguins weigh 1 kilogram. If a chick stays on the ice too long it will die. Penguins slide on their belly. Did you know that dad penguins hide the eggs under his pouch on top of his feet? Penguins eat fish, squid and krill. They have a black back with white bellies. Penguins are flightless birds. Penguins slide on their bellies. It is called tobogganing. Mom penguins chew the fish and spit it out in the babies mouth.
Did you know that there are 18 types of penguins? Penguins are so friendly to people. Little blue penguins are only 30 cms tall and only weigh 1 kilogram. They live in a burrow. Yellow eyed penguins live in the woods right next to stone. Did you know that emperor penguins collect air in their feathers? They dive down and go up and let go of the air. And they launch up on the surface. Emperor penguins weigh up to 38 kilograms.
About penguins. Did you know that daddy penguins are gray and fluffy? They cannot breathe under water. Did you know that they lay eggs, 1 to 2 eggs. Did you know that there are many different kinds (18) of penguins? Did you know that penguins eat fish, squid and krill? Did you know that babies take their first steps after a few months.
Did you know that there are 18 species of penguins? Penguins are friendly. Penguins eat fish. Penguins are black and white. Penguins slide on their bellies. It’s called tobogganing. Emperor penguins are the largest. They can weigh up to 38 kilograms. Some penguins live in hot places. When penguins preen they collect air in their feathers. When they dive deep the air releases and they launch out of the water.
Did you know that a little blue penguin or fairy penguin is the smallest at 30 cms tall and 1 kilogram? They can slide on their stomachs. They cannot fly. They eat fish, squid and krill. Penguins are cool. Emperors are the largest type of penguin. They weigh up to 38 kilograms. When the chick is born it peeps to another egg. The egg cracks and 2 chicks are born. Sometimes penguins don’t like to get out of their mother’s stomach. She flings her penguins out on the ice. Sometimes the ice is so cold that he goes to huddle up with his friends.
African black footed penguins live in Africa. They sound like a donkey. Penguins eat fish, squid and krill. There are 18 kinds of penguins. Penguins can jump. Penguins huddle in storms to keep warm. Little blue penguins are the smallest at 30 cms tall. They weigh 1 kilogram. Baby penguins jump off a 50 feet tall cliff. Emperor penguins are the biggest.
Penguins hold their eggs on their feet to keep them warm. Penguins can jump off 50 foot high cliffs. Penguins eat fish. Penguins slide on their bellies. Penguins swim really fast and fly out of the water.
Did you know that penguins can jump? They can eat squid and fish. They are birds and they lay eggs, 1 or 2 eggs. The emperor penguins are the largest penguins. Little blue penguins or fairy penguins are the smallest at 30 cms. They weigh 1 kilogram. Baby penguins jump off a cliff that is 50 feet high. Emperor penguins weigh about 38 kilograms. They can’t fly but they can swim.
Penguins take turns hunting out to sea. They go for 4 weeks at a time. They get in line for the moms to find their mate and chicks. Babies take their first steps after a few months. Penguins are very curious. Penguins are also very friendly. There are many different kinds of penguins, 18 to be exact. Penguins cannot fly. Penguins slide on their bellies. When penguins fly on their bellies it is called tobogganing. Penguins lay 1 or 2 eggs. Baby penguins are gray and very fluffy. Penguins cannot breathe under water. Daddy penguins hide their egg under their pouch on top of their feet. Penguins eat fish, squid and krill.