Hampton Municipal Election Candidates

Local Republicans and Democrats met last month to endorse candidates for the Municipal Election. They are as follows:

Republican Slate

First Selectman: Al Cahill

Selectman: Dan Meade

Board of Finance: (6 year term): Judy Buell, Kathy Donahue, (2 year vacancy): Lisa Sanchez

Board of Education: (4 year term): Juan Arriola, Perry Matchinis, Russ Moffitt, Neal Moon, Dan Postemski, Jr. (2 year vacancy):  Dayna McDermott

Planning and Zoning Commission: (2020) Gary Decesare, (2019) Susan Hochstetter

Board of Assessment Appeals: Wesley Wilcox

Zoning Board of Appeals: (2020) Zach Burdick-Chapel, (2019) Wesley Wilcox

Constables: Matt LaFontaine, Dan Postemski, Jr.


Democratic Slate

First Selectman: Joan Fox

Selectman: Stephanie Bayne, Bob Grindle

Board of Finance: (6 year term): Diane Gagnon, Alyssa Languth, (2 year vacancy): Joy Becker

Board of Education: (4 year term): Rose Bisson, Mark Becker, Matt Flegert, Marilynn “Sam” Higgins, Lisa Siegmund, (2 year

vacancy): Michael Jacobson

Planning and Zoning Commission: (2020) John Tillinghast, (2019) Pat Cascio

Board of Assessment Appeals: Wesley Wilcox

Zoning Board of Appeals: (2020) Aaron Tumel, (2019) Linda Serretny

Constables: Christopher Bayne, Jeff Smith, Sr.