Hampton Fall Festival

The 4th Annual Fall Festival will be held in and around Town Hall and the Community Center on September 28 from 10AM to 3PM.

Along with the Library Book/Bake Sale in the lower level of Town Hall, Hampton Artist Showcase at the Community Center, a Blacksmith, a Cub Scout Encampment with S’mores and a Cornhole Championship, there are scheduled events. A Pottery Throwing Demonstration will take place from 10AM to 1PM and Jamie Boss & Friends will provide Live Folk and Bluegrass Music from 10:30AM to 1:30PM. There’s plenty of activities for children — Free Hayrides touring the town at 11AM and 1:15PM, a Kiddie Tractor Pull at noon (sign up starting at 11AM), and Livestock — chickens, rabbits, goats, and Scottish Highland breed cows, which kids can sit atop for photos. Kids can also participate in the Agricultural Contests (drop off produce by 9:30AM). There are lots of interesting vendors, tag sales and exhibitors, and, of course, Food Vendors: hot dogs and hamburgers, pulled pork sandwiches with coleslaw and chips, a chicken BBQ, delicious baked goods, homemade ice cream and maple cotton candy!

See you there!