First Selectman: Allan Cahill
Much has been accomplished in the town of Hampton in the last two years. Completion of the Firehouse addition, the Fletcher Memorial Library addition (funded by private donations), and the vote to purchase 51 acres of open space on the Little River. Hamptonites continue to invest in their town to prepare for the future. I will continue to support everyone in these endeavors.
Improvements to the Town Hall include: all windows replaced, a new phone system installed, new floors inside, and outside walkways. The lower level has been completed, thanks to in-kind work provided by the Mennonite community. Work has already started on a new Generator for Hampton Elementary School. School parking lot re-pavement will commence in 2020. The Community Center will have new windows by winter, with an outside pavilion by Spring. The Department of Public Works continues to upgrade our roads with paving, drainage work, and dead tree removal. Over 400 trees have been cut with an additional 500 identified for removal. This public safety issue will be aggressively addressed. The Hampton-Chaplin Ambulance Corp will cease to provide service in April of 2020. I will pursue all options to provide emergency response protection, by collaborating with other towns or private companies. Business property continues to expand as construction of the Route 6 solar project has commenced. Expanding the Route 6 business district will provide additional town revenue in light of State of Connecticut grant cuts. I look forward to continue working with Selectmen Bob Grindle and Dan Meade to keep Hampton safe and affordable for all, with a focus of maintaining our high quality of life.
Selectman: Dan Meade
My first job in town was a wetlands agent, appointed by Charlie Halbach. Shortly thereafter I was appointed as a Selectman for a number of years under Walt Stone. Since that time I have served the town in many aspects including the Conservation Commission, the Hampton Elementary School Board of Education, the Grange Building Renovation Committee, Chairman of the Town Garage Committee, and a term on the Board of Finance. I currently serve as the town’s Emergency Management Coordinator. I have served as a deacon for the Hampton Congregational Church under three ministers. I was also appointed to the Board of Auditors and the Board of Trustees. I participated in many repair jobs on the church, the church hall and the parsonage and was recognized as the Gazette’s “Citizen of the Year” for my involvement in the community. Prior to retirement, I worked at Pratt and Whitney, The US Geological Survey, and the Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection as a Senior Staff Hydrologist, as well as private consulting jobs in water resource evaluations for many Connecticut towns to determine aquifer potentials and teaching geology and hydrology at UCONN, MCC, and ECSU. I have enjoyed each and every job, paid or volunteer!
Board of Finance: Judy Buell
I grew up here in Hampton and chose to stay here, after my husband and I were married, to raise our family. In addition to working on the family farm, my husband and I, with our girls, started our own farm. I spent 15 years working at the UConn Foundation as a staff accountant. Last year I started my own successful ice cream business and have been working as a financial consultant for a neighboring town. I have the experience and qualifications to be a valuable asset to the Hampton Board of Finance.
Board of Finance: Kathy Donahue
I currently serve as the Finance Board’s Vice Chairman and on the Human Resource Committee, reviewing employee wages for market comparisons, and served on the Fiscal and Procedure Committee, researching and preparing information for requirement of competitive bidding for town purchases, now an approved ordinance. The BoF is now receiving financial reports from both school boards, and I attend their meetings to stay informed. I’m a fiscal conservative and voted to lower the mill rate after reviewing the funds needed to support the budgets and financial information which included an ample reserve. I want to see the BoF work towards providing detailed budget documents for the school and the town, available to taxpayers, including historical data and projections of financial revenues and school enrollment.
Board of Finance (2 Year Vacancy): Lisa Sanchez
Board of Education: Juan Arriola
My involvement with the Hampton community has expanded since my retirement as an educator. My purpose, if elected to the Board of Education, is to make our school better academically for the students and more affordable for the taxpayers. I would provide a voice to the community and work to make the operation of our school more transparent than what I believe it is now. The school board needs more diversity among its members and not more years of rubber stamping.
Board of Education: Russ Moffitt
I am running for a position on the Board of Education as I feel I need to give back to our town for the pleasure of living here. I also feel the need to represent the towns’ people as a citizen and not an educator. I want the best education for our children at the lowest cost and feel that I may have some ideas that could help this happen especially with my past experience on the Board of Education.
I have lived in Hampton for fifty years and want to help make our school system the best it can be.
Board of Education: Neal Moon
I decided to run for the Hampton Board of Education because I feel that my diversity of experience would bring a unique perspective to the B.O.E. I have a B.S. in Music Education and have taught music in the public schools. I have worked in the private sector for over 40 years, including owning a music business for over 15 years. I would like to bring my knowledge and experiences from the public and private sectors to the B.O.E. In this way I can contribute to the town of Hampton and its students. I grew up here and know that we need to balance the needs of the students and teachers with the costs of education to the taxpayer.
Board of Education: Perry Matchinis
I see the board’s responsibility as implementing policies that meet the state’s educational goals in a fiscally responsible manner. Hampton, like other towns in Connecticut, is facing the challenge of providing a quality education in a fiscally responsible manner given declining enrollment. To reverse declining enrollment, Hampton must attract families with children. Such families are attracted to towns that provide a good education but are also affordable. Developing a reputation for a good education and affordable living will require creativity to find savings without sacrificing quality. I believe my experience on the Board of Finance has provided me with the skill set required to be an effective board member.
Board of Education (2 year vacancy): Dayna McDermott
Since I served on the school board and as its chairman years ago, I have publically advocated for retaining an elementary school in our town by facilitating its affordability, promoting the multi-aged classrooms which should academically and socially benefit all students, and reduce costs. I would also work to increase communications and relationships between the school and the community – our intelligent students and our knowledgeable residents have much to offer one another.
Planning & Zoning Commission (2019): Susan Hochstetter
I’ve lived in Hampton most of my life. I love the rural feel and historic look of the town and will always try to balance growth and progress with respect for our unique character as a historic rural town. I have served on the commission as both an alternate and then as a full commission member. I would like to continue on the Planning and Zoning Commission to help guide the town and protect its character.
Planning & Zoning Commission (2020): Gary DeCesare
I am Gary DeCesare and I have served on the Planning and Zoning Commission for nearly 15 years most recently as the Vice Chair.
I believe in preserving the rural atmosphere of our town while at the same time recognizing and protecting the property rights of our property owners who pay the taxes that keep this town moving forward. While I believe that the Planning and Zoning Commission is necessary as a regulatory body, I also have the strong view that minimal, not more, regulation is key to preserving our property rights and our community.
Board of Assessment Appeals & Zoning Board of Appeals (2019): Wesley Wilcox
Zoning Board of Appeals (2020): Zach Burdick-Chapel
My experience working as a land surveyor for large engineering firms has provided me with insight towards many regulations that other towns have in place as most of our clients are municipal groups, whether it’s small towns or state projects. My experience also includes residential designs for lot layouts, septic designs, and boundaries. I have worked on many projects including utility improvements, boundary disputes, road design, bridge layout and zoning for wetlands and flood zones.
Constables: Matt LaFontaine & Dan Postemski, Jr.