Town News

As of February 1, K&B Ambulance of Killingly has been contracted to provide emergency medical services to replace the Hampton Chaplin Ambulance Corp for the duration of this fiscal year, June 30, 2020. Thus far, response has been prompt and professional, according to the First Selectman. Officials of the Town of Scotland recently invited members of the boards of Selectmen and Finance to a presentation on an alternate proposal for the delivery of emergency services and will schedule a meeting for the public at large later this month. The Board of Selectmen will be deciding on a long term plan during the 2020-2021 budget process, which should prove challenging with declining State grants and rising municipal costs.

Though there have been many nuisance storms this winter, they have not consumed much of the road crew’s time, affording them an opportunity to remove 115 dead trees along our roads.

The Board of Selectmen approved a purchase order of a 30’ x 40’ Pavilion to be erected between the Town Hall and Community Center. This public works project will be completed by Memorial Day in collaboration with the Believers of the Mennonite Church.