Local Schools to Re-Open

Hampton Elementary School students will return full time to the building for the start of the 2020-2021 academic year, with school officials following the guidelines prescribed by the Governor and the Departments of Education and Health. These include seating restrictions on buses and in classrooms, where walls will be removed to accommodate six foot distancing, face masks, and a separate room designated for anyone experiencing Covid-like symptoms. Additionally, the school building and all materials will be sanitized daily. Training for staff will occur prior to the start of school, and the school nurse will continue as the Covid 19 compliance liaison, responsible for the review of all related issues. Parents whose children are not returning to school will be contacted by staff for an alternate learning schedule. Officials have also developed plans for communication with State agencies and with the community regarding notifications, cancellations, and changes. The school intends to distribute a mailing with additional details to all households within the next few weeks.

Parish Hill Middle/High School is in the process of finalizing their re-opening plan to submit to the State by July 24 and then to the Board of Education for review. Specific plans will be shared with the tri-town community after the completion of this process.

Please keep in mind that plans are “as of press time”. Our national climate illustrates how quickly things can change; we hope the Quiet Corner can continue to flatten the curve.