The Regional District #11 Board of Education has approved a 2021-2022 budget of $6,523,372, a 0.60% increase in the total cost of educating students at Parish Hill. This RD11 budget reflects continued fiscal responsibility, consistent with past budgets that were also very fiscally prudent. This responsible approach has led to an average increase of less than 1% per year during the last ten fiscal years. The Superintendent and Board of Education were able to adopt a 0.60% budget increase by controlling spending, concentrating on efficiencies and economies of scale, and through efficient assignment of certified and non-certified personnel. As in past years, we have closely examined “actual” expenditures in all FY19-20 and FY20-21 budgetary line-items, leading to some notable line-item reductions. We have also effectively used federal/state grants to maximize efficiencies and to reduce the strain on our operating budget. Recent federal grants will be primarily used to reimburse COVID expenses, address the academic loss of learning during the pandemic, deal with social/emotional concerns, and prioritize facility upgrades related to heating, ventilation, and air conditioning. Furthermore, I am pleased to report that this budget has been kept at a 0.60% increase despite budgetary constraints due to staff contractual increases, magnet and Vo-Ag school tuition, magnet and Vo-Ag special education costs, and significant costs for outplaced students. I am also particularly proud that we have continued to provide a high-quality education for all of our students while maintaining sound fiscal practices and fiscal constraints. During FY19-20, we were one of only a few districts in our area that stayed within our approved budget, even with additional Covid expenses.
The 0.60% budget also comes at a time when overall student outcomes have been impressive. Parish Hill has a 96.4% graduation rate and a negligible dropout rate. Student attendance is well above the state average, and overall student assessment outcomes continue to rise. Furthermore, we offer eleven AP courses to our students and a Fuel Ed distance learning program to address credit recovery and allow students to study Latin, German, and Mandarin. On another note, our five year capital improvement plan is designed to significantly upgrade school facilities and infrastructure. This on-going effort is a pro-active measure to enhance school facilities and building safety. We welcome residents to view for themselves these facility improvements.
The annual tri-town budget hearing will be held via Zoom on Monday, May 3, at 6PM, followed by a referendum vote on May 4 from noon to 8PM.
Kenneth V. Henrici, Superintendent
RD#11is estimating an unaudited FY 20-21 fund balance of about $200,000 – $250,000. Superintendent Henrici plans to recommend to the Board that it use a portion of this to offset town assessments after the budget is approved.