I have lived in Hampton for over 36 years and my three children were well educated in our schools. I am concerned that too many decisions being made for our town are made without the knowledge or input of citizens of Hampton. Whether or not to close our elementary school will have an impact on our town for generations to come. My two opponents are actively working to close Hampton Elementary School and send our students to Scotland. Our schools are the heart of our town. They represent our future and guarantee the vitality of our community. Schools bring young families to our town who help secure our tax base and Hampton’s future. Closing our school will not bring us substantial savings, will jeopardize our home values, our sense of community, and most of all, our children.
Hampton Elementary School is our town’s greatest asset. It has done exceptionally well through the Covid crisis, not having to close its doors but also offering remote classes for families who choose to keep their children home. Hampton is in relatively good financial state; our mil rate is 23.70. How will joining forces with Scotland, whose mill rate is 39, improve our financial situation? What will happen to our lovely elementary school? Will we watch the building decay instead of seeing our young children streaming out each day?
I believe we should collaborate to find ways to address this rather than becoming the first town in our state without an elementary school of its own. Most rural towns are suffering from declining school populations. We need to find ways to share resources and services to make our schools more affordable.
If elected, I will continue my work as chair of the Hampton Green Energy Committee finding ways to save our town money and help reduce the harmful effects of climate change through energy efficiency and renewable energy. I will provide better communication between Town Hall and townspeople, making people aware of services and programs that are available and informing them about upcoming meetings and events. My experience as a business owner, organizer, conflict resolution teacher, energy consultant, and former First Selectman and Board of Education member give me the knowledge and expertise needed to guide our town through these difficult times. Please vote on November 2, now more than ever, your vote counts. I would appreciate your support.