The polls will be open from 6AM to 8PM on August 9 in the Community Room at Town Hall for the Democratic and Republican Primaries. Only enrolled members of either Party will be eligible to participate. Absentee ballots are available during regular Town Hall hours in the Office of the Town Clerk, Tuesdays 9AM – 4PM and Thursdays 10AM to 7PM.
In preparation for the Primary, the Registrars of Voters will hold Special Enrollment sessions on August 4, from 10AM to noon, and from 5 to 7PM, at their Office at Town Hall. August 4 is the deadline for residents to submit Party enrollment applications to be eligible to participate in the Primary. Mail in-applications of new voters must be post-marked or received by the Registrars of Voters, or a voter registration agency, or the Department of Motor Vehicles by August 4; however, enrollment applications of unaffiliated voters must be received by the Registrars on August 4 in order to participate in the Primary. New and unaffiliated voters may submit enrollment applications in person up until noon on August 8, when the Registrars’ Office will be open from 9AM to noon.
Dayna McDermott-Arriola and Sulema Pagan-Perez