Senior Momentum

Hampton and neighboring town seniors want to thank you for participating as a guest or as a volunteer for our first White Elephant Extravaganza (WEE) event. It all added to the success of the event with gorgeous weather in the mix. We couldn’t have done it without you!

We greatly appreciate the volunteer help and organization, those who stopped to browse or shop, the table renters with varied interests, and all Hampton Senior Club (HCS)member support and contributions. A world of thanks to all. It’s so appreciated.

Dahlia Sharing
I would like to give a vote of appreciation to all our local seniors who volunteered to prep and distribute 70 dahlia bulb packages
generously donated by Roger Dionne as well as all who chose to do a planting to beautify our environment on such a beautiful day!
We look forward to another such adventure sometime in the future.

Ongoing Membership Drive
It was wonderful seeing past members, couples and newcomers who stopped by the previous events to say “hello” and support
HSC with a paid membership. The turnout was unexpected, but experiencing happy and positive seniors was refreshingly welcomed. More importantly what stood out for me was the enthusiasm and respect for community cohesiveness.

A membership is $10 for Hampton’s fiscal year. All memberships regardless of when purchased expire June 30. Since
HSC programs are offered to all Hampton and neighboring seniors, members will receive some benefits not available or more costly
to non-members. Half of Hampton is comprised of seniors. Supporting HSC helps to create a family within our community which in turn supports. You. Looking forward to you joining us in the coming fiscal year.

Mail checks to HSC to:
Hampton Seniors Club
Hampton Town Hall
164 Main St.
PO Box 143
Hampton, Ct. 0624

Pat Cascio &Jeanne Kavanagh