Referendum Approves All Questions

The June 28 referendum approved all six questions, with 163, or 12% of voters, casting ballots. The results were not surprising after the Town Meeting of June 20, which lasted only 15 minutes, prompted no discussions among attendees and only one question. Of the 25 residents in attendance, 23 were public officials.

First Selectman Allan Cahill served as Moderator, and the annual items – approval of the 5-Year Plan, authorization of the Selectmen to accept, borrow and expend certain funds, and the election of a member to the Regional District #11 Board of Education, incumbent Susan Lovegreen who was unopposed– were rapidly approved.

Cahill provided a brief overview of the budgets and explained other items on the call – the transfer from the unassigned general fund of $30,000 toward the purchase of a pickup truck for the Department of Public Works and $40,000 to remove the oil tank and upgrade the hot water propane at the elementary school, and to transfer interest earned from the Town’s capital and non-recurring accounts into the Capital Building Fund. He also explained that approval of the Town acting as a liaison for the Trail Woods Neighborhood Assistance Act was necessary in order to secure the grant.

All of these questions were subject to the June 28 referendum where all were approved, with votes in favor ranging from 127 – 140, and those opposed ranging from 23 – 35. Only approval of the elementary school’s $2,179,600 budget deviated from this range, approved with a vote of 97 – 65.