Citizen of the Year

Our publishing year begins in February with the recognition of a resident who exemplifies the spirit of volunteerism, neighborliness, and good citizenship. As we re-enter our communal environment, it’s particularly important this year to remind everyone that our small town thrives only through the efforts of committed individuals dedicated to the notion of “community”. We have also honored local organizations, such as the Fire Department, and recognized citizens for life-time achievements, as most of the recipients have a history of contributing their time and talent, resources and energy, as public servants and as volunteers, into making our town a wonderful place to live.

Our Citizen of the Year is chosen from the candidates you recommend, so please send your nominations by January 6, 2023 to:,or Hampton Gazette, P.O. Box 101, Hampton, CT., 06247, or contact any member of the editorial board.

As always, we look forward to hearing from you.

The Editorial Board