From the Agent for the Elderly: Advanced Directives

According to the Connecticut Department of Social Services packet entitled: “Planning for Future Healthcare Decisions”, an advance directive is a legal document where you may provide preferences regarding your healthcare and/or appoint someone to make healthcare decisions for you. Advance directives include the Living Will and the Appointment of a Healthcare Representative documents.

A living will is a document that states your wishes regarding what kind of healthcare you wish to receive, such as life support interventions to keep you alive. A living will goes into effect if you are unable to communicate or make decisions.

A healthcare representative is a person you authorize, in writing, to make any and all healthcare decisions for you in the event you are unable to make them yourself.

Advance Directives can be prepared at any age to insure that your wishes are known in the event of a medical crisis or accident where you are unable to make your wishes known. Advance Directives do not require an attorney or a notary. Documents must be signed in the presence of two witnesses. A copy of your Advance Directive should be given to your primary physician.

An Advance Directive packet can be found on the State of Connecticut-Attorney General website at:   search for: living will. If you have any questions about advance directives, contact Hampton’s Agent for the Elderly at 860-208-2430 or at Hampton Town Hall on the first Thursday of every month from 5-7pm.

Jane Cornell