Letter to the Editor – Citizens of the Year

I was so pleased to see the Scouts recognized as Citizens of the Year– the very first time a youth organization has been recognized by the Gazette. The Scouts are a true asset to our town, and this is indeed a well-deserved honor. As the new chair of the Hampton Recreation and Community Activities Commission and a former Program Coordinator for Youth & Family Services in Clinton CT, my vision is to have more programming geared to youth and families. We just had the first successful Family Movie night at Hampton Elementary School and will plan a movie this summer, a trip to Polar Park in Worcester to see the WooSox baseball team play on August 4th; concerts, community theater, a yearly Halloween event and December caroling and Arbor Day, to name a few, are in store for our town. We are looking for ideas and welcome new members to the Commission. As a former program coordinator and therapist, I know how important it is for youth to feel valued. Please reach out to the Commission at: hamptontownactivities@gmail.com and/or come to one of our meetings. We meet five times a year, the third Thursday of the month at 7PM. Please check the town calendar for dates and Agendas.
Andrea Kaye
Hampton Recreation Commission Chairperson