Remembering…The Post Office – And a Formidable Postmistress

During Evelyn Estabrooks’ term as postmistress, she submitted the proper forms to the government multiple times with complaints of old equipment and a space that was too small. Hearing no reply, she penned a poem in 1955 to the Post Office Procurement Chief in Hartford and received an answer within a month. Reprinted here is her poem, and its response.

Here I sit in this ramshackle seat
And look around my office with a sense of defeat.
The boxes are small and all broken down,
No wonder the Patrons look at them with a frown.
They have been in use for more than sixty years,
Their shabby condition reduces me to tears.
The little stamp window is so much too small
We can’t see who’s there if it’s someone who’s tall.
The slot for the letters makes the Patrons cuss,
When they try to mail things and not have them muss.
We try to give service that’s really worth while
And greet all our patrons with a bright cheery smile,
But pride in our work really does lack a spark
With equipment that looks like it came from the Ark.
So we say, “Pretty Please” to the “Powers That Be”
Won’t you send some new boxes and a stamp window to me!
Evelyn Estabrooks
After reading them both, we have this to say
“This Postmaster needs help with all possible speed,
We will ship her the equipment of which she had need.”
Attached is a letter, please read it with care,
The sketch will not be too difficult to prepare.
Send your reply to this office with haste,
Be sure to state if you will need a new safe.
Furniture, partitions, lock boxes you’ll get,
When the items are installed, you will be all set.
Thank you for letting us know of your plight,
Soon working conditions will be cheery and bright.

W. Kallis, Chief of Procurement,
Bureau of Facilities, Post Office Department